Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Man! This girl digs color , life, laughter, and LOVES being a photographers ONLY daughter! Watching her open my box of 30 new tutus and the box of babylegs.. was like watching a kid in a candy store!!!

If you need some tutus of your own... go see Tricia at Sprout and Company in Uptown Center on Line Avenue. While you are there... go to the back of the store and enter Tip Toe Couture! Michelle carries these CRAZY baby legs that all the kids, big AND small are going nuts over!

Tell them Kristin Mosura sent you!!!


Melissa Mainiero said...

What a "colorful" spirit she has! Tell her I pray Ava has half of the personality she has!

Anonymous said...

I vote for the second one fromt the top....so sassy!! LOVE it!

admin said...

OMG!!! When did she grow up?? xoxox