Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Real Life Gift... of life.

Ruths Gift....

As I reflected on this past Easter weekend and I thought about my past whirlwind of spring sessions.. one session just wont leave my mind.

Daryn and Ruth

It was strangely perfect how Daryn and Easter fit hand in hand.

Someone somewhere gave Daryn to Ruth.
Ruth, a woman of truth and prayer.
A women that prayed for a child to love.
A woman that knew that she needed to love a child- to share her overflowing happiness and bubbling love of life...
A woman humbled of a gift this precious.

I cant imagine.

I watched Ruth as she watched Daryn and I watched Daryn look up at her mother Ruth.
and for a split second.

Life seemed fair and wonderful!

That someone somewhere loved this baby enough to give her
to give her to Ruth...

and wonderful.

"You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. "- Gibran

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more! The gift of a mother to a child and a child to a mother is so reflected in Daryn and Ruth.