did you stop and remember....
that beyond all the irresistable reeses peanut butter eggs,
beyond all the pink, purple and yellow jelly beans,
and beyond all the dye colored little toddler fingers ....
that beyond all that hoopla we now call Easter...
was a gift.
just a simple
no questions asked
a gift that came from the heart
a heart that loved enough to sacrifice
a heart that loved enough to give away a child.......
a heart that loved enough to endure all the pain for us....
no questions asked.
I dont deserve this gift.
And for once this year, on Sunday morning... my kids didnt hunt easter eggs before church.
(moms are dropping like flies all over town over this shocking news :)
EVEN though I had been raised to really count on those eggs being hid by that bunny.....
even though the "Perfect Mom" somewhere in me said.. all good moms make sure the Easter Bunny hides eggs Easter morning.
This year, I just had had enough.
Every where we turned... someone was hiding eggs for them. At school , at church, at family dinners... all over town.. everywhere you turn.. there was an egg hunt.
Well.. guess what. My kids didnt even notice that the bunny didnt hide eggs. Instead, I completely whole heartedly enjoyed a 5 minute talk we shared over
toast with "lutter"(mason talk :)
I enjoyed watching my babies tell me about THE GIFT that changed my life and one day thiers. That five minutes of quiet munching and chatting about the REAL meaning of the Resurrection and Easter was the sweetest five minutes I have had in a while.
The GIFT!! THAT IS what THIS is all about! The gift we will never earn.... the gift we don't deserve.....
Instead of running around my dew soaked yard looking for more plastic eggs with chocolate candy.....we talked about what Easter meant to us and our lives and our journey.
They told ME the story of the Resurrection....