the smile. i will never forget,
the eyelashes, i will never forget
the chubby cheeks and the deep horse laugh.. i will never forgot.
but the way his fingers wrap around the chain to the swing.
Never thought about it,
but one day,
he wont want to swing for joy anymore.
one day he will be too tall
or too mature
or just have too many others things to do than swing and squeal
as he soars to California on his pretend spaceship..
aka- the swing.
So i am tucking this one away to remember his hands.
Any other memories that play tag along with that one.. is just a bonus.
remember the little things. dust off your camera. and use it.
tomorrow never comes.. all you get it a lot of todays....
Hey Kristin, It's Jamie. Your kids are absolutely beautiful! You brought tears to my eyes with your blog tonight. It just makes me want to go get my little boy out of bed and hold him while he sleeps. They grow up way too fast!
Hey Kristin, It's Jamie. Your kids are absolutely beautiful! You brought tears to my eyes with your blog tonight. It just makes me want to go get my little boy out of bed and hold him while he sleeps. They grow up way too fast.
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